Selasa, 10 Desember 2013


Awang Syahrial, 2013, The impact of moderate and high intensity total body fatigue on overhand accuracy throw class 9 and class 7 State Junior High School Third Lawang Malang. Promotor Prof.Dr. Supartono. Co Promotor, Drs. Ahmad Lani, M.Kes.

Key word : Total  body fatigue, overhand accuracy throw, Softball modification.

The physical condition of athletes plays a very important in the training program . The exercise program should be well planned and systematic and aimed to improve physical fitness and functional ability of body systems and thus enables the athlete to achieve better performance . Fatigue could be a decisive win lose in different games / game , so fatigue is a factor that is experienced by every person when the move will also include fatigue experienced by athletes when implementing an exercise program . The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fatigue category and the category of medium to high accuracy in the modified pitch softball pitching performance test using the test particularly O'Donnell Softball Throw overhand Accuracy Test in grade 9 and grade 7 . This type of research is experimental , because it uses a research design that provide treatment (treatment ) with three conditions : 1) . without fatigue , fatigue 90 % (high intensity) , and fatigue 70 % (moderate intensity) is given to the study subjects . The sample used in this study were students in grade 9 and grade 7 who had received the material small ball game by 30 students .

Based Kolmogorove - Smirnov normality test at a significance level of 5% , the results showed that the calculated F value  F table (0.05 , 5, 9 = 3.48) so that said data obtained in normal distribution , as well as the homogeneity of variance test based on the data Levane 's statistics , obtained F count ≤ F table so it is said that the data from each sample group had homogeneous variance . In the first hypothesis testing using t-test , showed that t (23.298) > t table (0.05, 29 = 2.045) , so the intensity was said fatigue has an impact on the performance on the pitch class 9 and class 7. In testing the second hypothesis , showed that t (22.455) > t table (0.05, 29 = 2.045) , so that said high -intensity fatigue has an impact on the performance on the pitch class 9 and class 7 In the third hypothesis testing , showed that t (7.447) > t table (0.05, 14 = 2.145) , so it is said there is a difference in intensity of fatigue was the pitching performance between grade 9 and grade 7. And the fourth hypothesis testing , showed that t (8.018) > t table (0.05, 14 = 2.145) , so that said high -intensity fatigue artifacts difference to the performance of pitch between Grade 9 and Grade 7.
Obtained from this study is the first conclusion , moderate -intensity fatigue (fatigue 70 %) negative impact (decrease) throws the ball against the accuracy of the performance . The second conclusion is that high -intensity fatigue (fatigue 90%) negative impact (decrease) to throw the ball on accuracy performance grade 7 and grade 9. The third conclusion , the effect of fatigue intensity was different impact between Grade 9 and Grade 7 to pitch accuracy performance . That grade 9 retains the precision performance throws the ball better than 7th grade at moderate intensity body fatigue . The fourth conclusion is that the effect of high -intensity fatigue affects different between Grade 9 and Grade 7 to pitch accuracy performance . That grade 9 retains the precision performance throws the ball better than grade 7 at a high intensity body fatigue.